The Diocesan Memorandum (formerly the Clergy Memorandum) is a service of the Office of the Chancellor for clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese of Cleveland, providing a summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.
[Omissis - declaration of excommunication]
Invitation to Form Welcome Circles for Ukrainian Families
As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, millions of Ukrainian Families are being forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring areas. The Diocese of Cleveland is one of five dioceses contacted by the USCCB's Department of Migration and Refugee Services to invite parish communities to help in sponsoring and welcoming these families. Welcome Circles of parishioners would assist each family, welcoming them at the airport, helping them with housing, employment, schools, some financial assistance, and becoming familiar with life in their new home. All orientation, training and needed support for sponsoring parishes will be provided by our Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services.
Would your parish consider sponsoring one of these families? The immediate commitment would be for a two-year period. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out and support these families who have struggled to survive for almost a year in very desperate circumstances. If your parish community is interested in welcoming and supporting a family, please contact the Catholic Charities MRS Welcome Circle Coordinator, Sarah Murphy, for more information and to set up a meeting.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development National Collection: 19-20 November 2022
Many American families are struggling to make ends meet, but the struggle is even more difficult for the nearly 46.2 million Americans living in poverty. Your donation will empower local communities and strengthen families that are on the margins. Parishes and organizations in the Diocese of Cleveland are using the funds from the CCHD campaign via awarded grants to bring about real change and sustainable processes that help people in poverty break this cycle. Please help us continue this good work by supporting the collection for CCHD.
Help support the mission and work of CCHD by:
Bulletin Announcements are available here. For parish resources visit the National Collections website. This year, parishioners and our community can donate online in addition to the regular second collection in our parishes.
Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Five formation sessions will be held in November:
Those interested in joining this ministry should contact their pastor or campus minister to register.
2022-2023 Solemn Annual Eucharistic Exposition
For many years the Diocese of Cleveland published a schedule for Solemn Annual Eucharistic Exposition. The intent of this practice is rooted in the Church's recommendation that,
[i]n churches and oratories where the Eucharist is reserved, it is recommended that solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for an extended period of time should take place once a year, [even though this period of time is not strictly continuous]. In this way, the local community may meditate on this mystery more deeply and adore. [Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass, paragraph 86. The Rites: Volume 1 (Collegeville: Liturgical Press).]
After a pause during the COVID pandemic, we are restarting this practice. The schedule for 2022-2023 by parish and by date is available on the Office for Worship website. Should you wish to make an adjustment to your scheduled time of exposition, please inform the Office for Worship of the change.
Eucharistic Revival Resources
Over the next three years, every Catholic diocese, parish, school, apostolate, and family is invited to be a part of renewing the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Learn more and find a wide variety of resources on the diocesan website here.
December 2020 Liturgical Calendar
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Thursday, December 8, and is a holy day of obligation. Vigil Masses for the Solemnity may be celebrated after 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 7.
The approved offering (‘stipend’) for a Mass intention in the Diocese of Cleveland is ten dollars ($10) per Mass (cf. can. 952). No one may request more than ten dollars for a Mass offering. If you have questions regarding Mass offerings, please contact the Chancellor.
#weGiveCatholic (suggested bulletin announcement)
In the Spirit of Thanksgiving – You can participate in Giving Tuesday
You have heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday – now you can share your blessings on Tuesday, November 29– Giving Tuesday. All day around the globe, people are asked to contribute to their favorite charities and nonprofits. The Diocese of Cleveland asks you to be part of Northeast Ohio’s Online Day of Catholic Giving: #weGiveCatholic, which allows you to contribute to 220+ Catholic schools, parishes, Catholic Charities programs and sites, ministries, and other Catholic nonprofits in Northeast Ohio. Simply use your computer or smartphone on Tuesday, November 29 to access, search the list of participants and donate to your favorites. In the spirit of the season of gratitude, remember to Give Catholic on Giving Tuesday.
Planned Giving
Year-End Giving (suggested bulletin announcement): In this season of giving, consider making a year-end gift to our parish in gratitude for all the blessings you have received in life. As you plan to make the most of your charitable donations in 2022, know that we gratefully accept gifts of cash and appreciated assets such as stocks or bonds.
And, if you are 70 ½ or older, you may be able to make a gift of a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA that will help us in our ministry and reduce your taxable income. Talk to your advisors and IRA administrator for more information and to be sure that your IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution gift is made directly from an IRA to a qualified charity such as our parish. Questions? Contact XXX in our parish office at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or via email at ________. You are also welcome to contact Jean Ann Montagna of the Catholic Community Foundation at 216-696-6525 x8070.
Catholic Charities Annual Appeal
2022 Catholic Charities Appeal – a total of $12,200,000 has been raised as of September 30.
Solicitation Letter: During the week of November 15, 65,000 households will be receiving a letter from Bishop Malesic asking for support of the 2022 Appeal with a monetary gift. The letter will emphasize supporting the hungry and homeless population throughout the Diocese. To make an immediate impact, parishioners can donate online donations.
Save the Date: The 2023 In Pew Appeal will take place in all parishes Feb. 18-19. Email Sarah Gozur or call 216-696-6525 x1910 with questions.
Human Development Annual Appeal – supporting economic growth in low-income neighborhoods: Your gift will help those affected by poverty to have a voice in the development of their communities. Click here to give online, or contact Debra Sudy at 216-696-6525 x3670
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Bishop Malesic
Suggested Bulletin Announcement: Travel with Bishop Malesic and Fr. Dan Schlegel on a 12-Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Sept. 26 to Oct. 7, 2023. Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus to Nazareth, Cana, the Sea of Galilee, Emmaus, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and so many more holy sites. Registration will open on December 1, 2022. To be placed on the priority mailing list to receive the full itinerary and registration information, please contact Lori Conley, 216-696-6525 x3760. A full page bulletin insert is attached here.
Ohio Minimum Wage for 2023
Ohio’s minimum wage is scheduled to increase from $9.30 to $10.10 per hour for non-tipped employees on January 1, 2023. Please download the new poster and display it with your other labor law posters: Minimum Wage Posters | Ohio Department of Commerce
Check here to make sure all of your labor law posters are up-to-date: Contact Donna Speagle, Human Resources, at (216) 696-6525, ext. 8760 or with any questions.
Mullen lecture: William P. Loewe, Ph.D., ‘ Catholic Christology in Retrospect and Prospect’ | Sunday, November 13, 2022, 6:30p.m. | Aula Magna, Saint Mary Seminary
On behalf of the administration, faculty, and students of Saint Mary Seminary, please accept our invitation to join us for the 2022 Mullen Lecture (see flyer). This annual lecture, named in honor of the late Msgr. Joseph Mullen, Rector of Saint Mary Seminary from 1948 to 1963, celebrates its 55th year and brings a noted theologian to the seminary to speak to the students and the larger community.
Angel Scholarship Fund
Every Ohio Taxpayer can now benefit while supporting Catholic schools through the Angel Scholarship Fund. Thanks to Ohio’s new tax credit scholarship program, taxpayers can contribute up to $750 for individuals or $1,500 married filing jointly by the end of 2022 and receive it all back as a credit when filing taxes next spring. Donors can designate the school at which the funds will be used or give to the area of greatest need. Must donate by December 31, 2022 to qualify. Click here for complete details.
A customizable Fall/Winter 2022 Marketing Calendar can be downloaded from the ASF Marketing Toolkit. Congratulations to 98 schools on securing designated ASF contributions. More than $700,000 has been contributed so far in 2022, and we anticipate a strong response in the last three months of the year. Designated ASF Contribution Reports were emailed on September 15th to schools with designated contributions; these reports list all designated ASF contributions (except anonymous donors). Reports will continue to be sent on or around the 15th of each month.
Eucharistic Revival
The three-year Eucharistic Revival is underway in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland and around the country. The diocesan phase of the revival began June 19 and runs through July 11, 2023. In order to help spread the word, the diocesan Eucharistic Revival team is looking to paint the revival logo on the side of eight barns in each of the eight counties of the diocese: Ashland, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Summit and Wayne.
Barn owners – especially those with barns in high-traffic areas – who are interested in supporting the revival by having the side of their barn painted with the logo should contact Mary Boneno for more information. Anyone who is not a barn owner but who is interested in sponsoring the project should contact Linda Corcoran.
A second campaign featuring billboards is scheduled for Advent, which begins Nov. 27. The diocese is renting 33 billboards in the eight counties to feature Eucharistic quotes from Catholics spanning the centuries.
The second phase of the billboard campaign will take place during Lent (which begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023) and will feature 33 testimonial quotes from Catholics living in the diocese. Anyone wanting to submit a testimonial quote about the Eucharist for consideration in the billboard campaign should email Mary Boneno. Quotes should be fewer than twenty words and should be accompanied by the first and last name, city of residence and year of birth for the submitter.
To learn more about the Eucharistic Revival, click here.
Welcome Maria Wancata, Marriage & Family Office
We are excited to announce that Maria Wancata has joined the Parish Life staff as a Marriage and Family Ministry Specialist. Maria will work with Terri Yohman in the Marriage & Family Office to organize, develop, and support programs that respond to the needs of couples and families as they live out their Catholic faith.
Black Catholic History Rosary & Eucharistic Adoration
Did you know November is Black Catholic History Month? The National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States voted on Tuesday, July 24, 1990 to designate November as Black Catholic History Month because it marks a time when the Church prays for all saints and souls in loving remembrance, as well as a time to recall the saints and souls of Africa and the African Diaspora.
In honor of Black Catholic History Month and to celebrate the diocesan year of Eucharistic Revival, the African American Catholic community will be hosting weekly prayer services throughout the month of November. We will pray with reflections on the mysteries of the Rosary created in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights movement. For more information, visit our website.
Eucharistic Miracles Display
Parishes have begun signing up to host this traveling museum-like exhibition in their own faith communities. Are you interested in hosting the Bl. Carlo Eucharistic Miracles Display? Learn more
Share Your Story
The Eucharistic Revival team is calling for active Catholics in the Cleveland Diocese to submit a testimony of how you have personally encountered Christ in the Eucharist. Submitted testimonies may be shared in our public promotional materials.
St. Anne & Joachim Grandparent Workshop | November 5, 8:30am-2:00pm | St. Mary Church, Painesville, OH
This workshop will be offered in Spanish for older adults interested in learning more about how to share their Catholic faith with their nietos of all ages. Brunch will be provided. We will end the day with Mass. Download flyer in Spanish.
Instituto Emaús / Escuela de Discípulos Misioneros | Emmaus Institute/ School of Missionary Disciples | November 19, 9:00am-4:00pm | Our Lady of Mt. Carmel West
Liturgia y Sacramentos / Liturgy and Sacraments
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in Pastoral Care: Interpersonal Effectiveness | November 5, 9:30am-Noon | Center for Pastoral Leadership - Aula Room
Enhancing skills in empathy and attunement based on our latest advances in interpersonal neurobiology help us to meet people where they are and navigate healthy boundaries where necessary. Click here to register.
Marriage Mentoring | Thursday, December 1 & Monday, December 5 | St Joseph’s Church, Avon Lake
There are two upcoming opportunities to train Prepare-Enrich marriage mentors for your parish on December 1 and December 5 at St. Joseph’s Church in Avon Lake. Contact Maria Wancata to register interested couples. Training resources cost $125. If your parish needs financial support, please contact Terri Yohman.
For more information about marriage mentors, please contact Terri Yohman to discuss how we can support you in this valuable endeavor.
Bereavement – Blue Christmas
A Blue Christmas Mass or prayer service allows people to acknowledge their sense of loss and the shadow it casts over this holiday season, with its deeply emotional and familial traditions. Please email Maria if you would like more information on how to organize one in your parish community.
Family Advent Ideas
Perhaps your parish would like to start a new tradition during Advent. Pope Francis has called families to bring their infant Jesus for a traditional blessing of the Bambinelli. This occurs around the world on the Sunday prior to Christmas. Click here to learn more about the tradition.
LEAF – Listening, Encouraging, Assisting Families
The LEAF ministry serves those with incarcerated loved ones or family members. The ministry provides a safe, welcoming community where members can feel comfortable and accepted without judgement. Please find updated dates and times below.
Communion of Saints | 2175 Coventry Road, Cleveland Heights | (216) 321-0024 | Third Monday of the month at 7 pm
St. Noel Parish | 35200 Chardon Road, Willoughby | (440) 946-0887 | Third Monday of the month at 7 pm
St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church | 5500 Lear Nagle Rd, North Ridgeville | (440) 327-1978 | Second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm
If there is a parish or group interested in beginning LEAF in your area, please contact Mary Boneno.
CLE 21:6 Ticket Sales Close November 15 | January 7, 2023 | John Carroll University
CLE 21:6 is a day-long event for high school teens to gather in fellowship as the young Church. Exploring Revelation 21:6, we will celebrate the diocesan year of Eucharistic Revival, and dive into Christ as the Alpha & Omega, the Eucharist as the Source & Summit of our faith. Tickets must be purchased by a group leader (not individual teens). More info and ticket sales on our website. Promote it to your teens with the CLE 21:6 Media Kit.
Global Celebration of Young People | November 19/20, 2022
Every Catholic faith community around the world is encouraged to celebrate and reflect on youth and young adults annually on Christ the King Sunday. Consider offering a special blessing and intercessions for young people. You can find resources and ideas on our website.
Youth Minister Bootcamp: Relational and Retreat Ministries | November 9, 10am | SS. Robert & William Parish
Relational ministry is the buzz word in YM circles, but what does that actually look like? How can we accompany teens in their journey of faith? Retreat ministry is one of the most fruitful and rewarding aspects of youth ministry. How can you form missionary disciples to evangelize their peers?
Join us for this Youth Minister Bootcamp formation event. While YM Bootcamp is designed for newer youth ministers, even 5+ year veterans can benefit from a refresher and the collective wisdom of the group as we discuss these important topics. Register by November 7.
Middle School Youth Minister Gathering | November 16, 10am | St. Mary Parish, Hudson
All those who do parish youth ministry with those in grades 6-8 are invited to join us and share best practices for ministering to younger adolescents. Register by November 14.
Theology on Tap | November 15, 7 pm | Forest City Brewery, Cleveland
Fr. Kevin Klonowski, Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph's Church in Strongsville, will speak on the Eucharist. Look for registration information on our website.
Mass for the Global Celebration of Young People | November 19, 4:30 pm | Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Join us and invite your young adults as we celebrate young people. Bishop Woost will preside. There will be a reception to follow in the rectory for all people in their 20s and 30s.
Cemetery Sunday Mass | Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 3:00 pm
Mass will be celebrated at the following cemeteries. For more information please email Rhonda Abrams or call 216-930-4866.
Graveside Prayer Service for Deceased Priests | Monday, November 21, 2022 at 3:00 pm
Catholic Cemeteries Association, in collaboration with AM 1260 The Rock, invite you to attend a Graveside Prayer Service for Deceased Priests of the Diocese of Cleveland. The service will be held at Holy Cross Cemetery, Brook Park in the priests' section (section 10). Divine Mercy Chaplet will be recited at 3:00 pm - Hour of Mercy, followed by placing flowers on the graves of the priests. Rain or shine - all are welcome. A tent will be erected in case of inclement weather.
Bulletin announcement:
Catholic Cemeteries Association – Cemetery Sunday Mass - November 6, 3:00 pm
Cemetery Sunday is dedicated to prayers for our loved ones buried in a Catholic cemetery and is celebrated with a special Mass on cemetery grounds. Join us in the celebration of Mass on November 6, 2022 at 3 p.m. at the following cemeteries:
All Saints Cemetery | 480 W. Highland Rd, Northfield OH |Nativity Mausoleum | Rev. Luigi C. Miola
All Souls Cemetery | 10366 Chardon Rd, Chardon OH | Service Building | Rev. Jim Cadd
Calvary Cemetery | 10000 Miles Ave, Cleveland OH | Mai Office | Rev. Thomas V. O’Donnell
Calvary Cemetery | 555 N. Ridge Rd, Lorain OH | Our Lady of Guadalupe Mausoleum | TBA
Holy Cross Cemetery | 100 E. Waterloo Rd, Akron OH | Sacred Heart of Jesus Mausoleum | Rev. Thomas McCann
Holy Cross Cemetery | 14609 Brookpark Rd, Brook Park OH | Service Building | Rev. Jerome M. Lajack
St. Joseph Cemetery | 32789 Detroit Rd, Avon OH | St. Joseph Mausoleum | TBA
St. Mary Cemetery | 4720 E. 71st Street, Cuyahoga Hts OH | Service Building | Rev. Andrzej Panek
For more information, please email Rhonda Abrams or call 216-930-4866
Free Hammond Organ
If any church is interested in a free Hammond Organ please contact Robert Wintersteller at 440-669-4877. The organ is like new, played very few times.
First Friday Club of Cleveland
Why They’re Not Leaving: A Conversation with Diocesan Ministry Directors, | Thursday, November 3, 2022 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm | The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave., Cleveland OH 44114 | Registration and more information click here.
First Friday Club of Akron
Kate Valentine | Friday, November 4, 2022 Our Lady of Cedars, 507 South Cleveland Massillon Rd., Fairlawn, OH 44333 | Registration and more information here.
Jesuit Retreat Center Programs, 5629 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
For more information on the programs listed below, please click here or call 440-884-9300.
Sr. Ignatia AA Women's Recovery Retreat | Friday, November 18, 6:00 pm - Sunday, November 20, 11:00 am | Rebecca N., Therese M-B., Kathy F., Sue R. | $225
November Morning Prayer for Women | Monday, November 21, 9:30 - 11:00 am | Free Will Offering (walk-ins welcome, registration not required).
November Sabbath Days - a Personal Retreat Day | Tuesday, November 22, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm | $50
Cinema & Conversation: Peace by Chocolate | *Sunday Evening* this month only, November 27, 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Free Will Offering (walk-ins welcome, registration not required).
Seasonal Journaling - Solstice, Advent, Christmas, Old Year and New Year | Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. November 29, December 6, December 13, December 20, December 27, January 3 | Michael Reiling, M.Ed. | $45
* * *
Submissions for the next Memorandum should be made to Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the preceding month. Guidelines for submissions are available here.
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