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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic
Offices Chancellor Diocesan Memorandum September 2023

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Diocesan Memorandum

September, 2023 | Vol. 57, no. 9 | Prot. No. C-35/2023

The Diocesan Memorandum (formerly the Clergy Memorandum) is a service of the Office of the Chancellor for clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese of Cleveland, providing a summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.


Office for Worship

October 2023 Liturgical Calendar:

October 4 is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. On or near the day, the community or a household may join in the blessing of pets and other animals. For the order of Blessing of Animals, see Book of Blessings, #942-965 or Household Book of Blessings, #154-157.

October 18 is the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist. A Health Care Mass may be celebrated on or near the day to honor doctors, nurses, medical technicians, hospital administrators, and emergency personnel in appreciation for their services. The suggested Mass formulary, when permitted, is For Giving Thanks to God, #49B.

On October 22, Bishop Malesic will preside at Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist at 10:30 AM to celebrate the opening of the cathedral’s 175th Anniversary year.

Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Office for Worship will hold the next round of sessions for formation of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in September and October:

  • Wednesday, September 13, 7:00-9:30 PM | St. Ambrose, Brunswick
  • Sunday, September 17, 2:00-4:30 PM | St. Rita, Solon
  • Sunday, September 24, 2:00-4:30 PM | St. Eugene, Cuyahoga Falls,
  • Monday, September 25, 7:00-9:30 PM | St. Mary, Chardon
  • Sunday, October 8, 2:00-4:30 PM | St. Charles Borromeo, Parma
  • Saturday, October 14, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Sagrada Familia, Cleveland (Spanish)
  • Thursday, October 19, 7:00-9:30 PM | Holy Trinity, Avon
  • Saturday, October 21, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Beaumont High School, Cleveland Hts.

A memo with the registration link has been sent to parishes and campus ministers.

Cathedral of St John the Evangelist

Helen D. Schubert Concerts Fall 2023
1007 Superior Ave @ E 9th St. Cleveland 44114 | FREE, (no tickets, no reservations)
Free secure parking, Cathedral garage & lot, Rockwell & E. 9th St.

October 18, Wednesday at 7:30pm | Choir of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris France  | Henri Chalet, Director; Yves Castagnet, Organist | FAURÉ Requiem, plus additional works by Vierne, Poulenc, & Castagnet


Catholic Lawyers Guild Annual Red Mass
Please join us for the Red Mass on Friday, October 6, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist. The Red Mass originated at Paris cathedral in 1245 to invoke the Holy Spirit on the judges of the ecclesiastical courts. The name “Red Mass” came from the red robes worn by the judges and the red vestments worn by the clergy.

Following the Red Mass, Judge Brendan Sheehan, the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas will be honored with the 2023 St. Thomas More Award for outstanding service to the legal profession at a luncheon held at the downtown Marriott. Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services will receive the Special Recognition award this year.

Email Kristen Craig or call 216-696-6525 x 4000 for complete details.


Maximizing State and Philanthropic Funding Opportunities
The state budget recently signed by Governor DeWine will positively impact school choice in Ohio, beginning in the 2023/2024 school year. Please take a moment to read this statement from Brian Hickey, Executive Director of the Ohio Catholic Conference, commending our legislature on the expansion of school choice in the FY24-25 State Budget.

The Office of Catholic Education, Communications Office, and the Catholic Community Foundation are taking the lead on educating parishes and schools and helping them adapt, leverage and effectively access new state funding opportunities and maximizing existing philanthropic support (e.g., Diocesan Tuition Assistance; Angel Scholarship Fund; Fund A Dream) for Catholic education in our diocese. Virtual meetings were held with pastors, principals, business managers, and tuition managers in July, and follow up communications will continue through the summer months.

Please contact Dene Hummon, 520-784-4600 or Fred Roberts, 216-902-1312 with any questions.

2023 Catholic Charities Appeal: A time to heal. A time to help.
Catholic Charities continues its work on the front lines to serve the growing number of individuals and families most in need. As of July 31st, almost 34,000 faithful donors from across the diocese have pledged more than $13.3 million to the 2023 Appeal.

Professional Advisors Seminar
Join fellow professional advisors from the legal, tax, trust, insurance, and wealth management disciplines on Tuesday, September 12th (12:15-4:45 p.m. followed by cocktails/networking) at the Diocesan offices 1404 E. Ninth St. Seminar topics include philanthropy, charitable, and tax planning, and ethics for estate planners. Continuing education credit available. $50 registration; $25 for Catholic Lawyers Guild members. Click here for details and to register or contact Linda Pavia at 216-696-6525 x4080.

Tabor Fund Grant Awards
Tabor Grant awards provide an opportunity for ministers to refresh and re-energize their spirituality and faith as well as their mental and physical well-being, fostering personal development and improving their ministry. Guidelines and the application for the 2023B cycle can be found here. The application deadline is September 15. 


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released the revised version of the Form I-9 August 1. You must use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of all individuals hired for employment. 

You can find the form and more information here. Contact Human Resources with any questions: (216) 696-6525, ext. 8760 or email.


Starting January 1, 2024, when you use your existing CVS Caremark benefit card at an in-network pharmacy, in addition to Caremark coverage, the new Caremark Cost Saver program will automatically apply GoodRx’s prescription pricing, when available, resulting in lower out-of-pocket costs to you on generic medications in a seamless experience at the pharmacy counter.

The amount paid will automatically be applied to plan members’ deductible and out-of-pocket thresholds. No action is required by the plan member. Caremark members will no longer have to choose between using their in-network pharmacy benefit or using GoodRx to save on prescriptions. Click here to learn more about Caremark Cost Saver.

Property/Casualty Insurance Office

Price Increase for certain Special Events Insurance- Our fees for special event insurance policies was $110/event for many years; the price is changing to $135/event on September 1, 2023. Further, wedding coverage for receptions on your premises rates will be $390 effective the same date. This fee increase is a direct result of the insurance vendors we use for these special event policies. These special event insurance policies protect the parish and the diocese should there be a claim associated with the event. More information on special event policies can be found here.


Diocesan Vocation Office

Join us for R&R (formerly known as XLT) at the seminary. The event consists of a time of Adoration with praise and worship followed by Mass with the seminary community and pizza after Mass. Each evening begins with adoration at 6:45pm, followed by Mass at 7:30pm in the Sacred Heart Chapel at the Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe 44092. Visit or call 440-943-7631 for more details.

Upcoming 2023-2024 R&R Dates: 21 September 2023; 26 October 2023; 30 November 2023; 25 January 2024; 22 February 2024; 25 April 2024.

Introduce your youth to vocational discernment with a visit to Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries at the Center for Pastoral Leadership. During Discovery Days your students will tour the Center for Pastoral Leadership, attend Mass with the seminary community and meet and hear the testimonies of seminarians and religious women and men from the diocese: 27 September 2023; 8 November 2023; 31 January 2024. Call the Vocation Office at 440-943-7631 or visit us at to register.

Priesthood Sunday will be observed within the Diocese of Cleveland on 29 October 2023. A Priesthood Sunday Resource Order Form to help celebrate with your school and parish community will be mailed in September to all pastors, principals, parish catechetical leaders, and parish secretaries. Seminarian Photo Poster [17 x 22 (four-fold) and 11 x 17 (two-fold) formats] and prayer cards (Prayer for Priests and Seminarians) will be available free-of-charge. Please use the form that will be provided with the mailing, or email poster and prayer card requests. As in previous years, if you would be willing to host a seminarian to offer a brief vocation reflection at the end of your weekend Masses for the weekend of October 28-29, please indicate this on the form included in your Priesthood Sunday mailing. For further information contact the Vocation Office at 440-943-7630.

FAMILY DAY AT THE SEMINARY | November 12, 2023
Families are welcomed to Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries for a day of prayer and fellowship with our seminarians. The day will include Mass, Brunch, and seminary tours. Our hope is to welcome families of discerners in order to engage the entire family in the discernment process. Registration opens August 1, 2023 at

Groups for young men and women respectively that build community among discerners and gives them the opportunity to learn more about prayer, identity, and discernment. To join a discernment group call 440-943-7631 or visit us at

For further information on any or all of the following programs, contact the Diocesan Vocation Office at 440-943-7630 or visit

  • Priesthood Sunday - Diocese of Cleveland | October 29, 2023
  • National Vocation Awareness Week | November 5-11, 2023
  • Pro Orantibus Day | November 21, 2023
  • World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life | February 2, 2024 | Celebrated in Parishes | February 3-4, 2024
  • 40th Bishop’s Seminary Brunch | April 14, 2024
  • World Day of Prayer for Vocations | April 21, 2024

Saint Mary Seminary Outreach Trust Fund
Funds are now available through the "Outreach Trust Fund" administered by Saint Mary Seminary. Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, money is available to provide assistance for projects that will aid the poor and needy of the Diocese of Cleveland; promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, with a special concern for the needs of minority groups; or assist the foreign missions. This Fund is unrelated to the Seminary Endowment Fund, which helps finance operations at the Seminary. Fund Trustees are now accepting proposals requesting funding up to $7,500. For an application, please write to Mr. Philip Guban, Saint Mary Seminary, 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092 or e-mail him. Completed applications must be submitted no later than October 2, 2023. Grants will be funded by January, 2024.


Eucharistic Revival

Sunday, September 10, 5pm | Brookside Park, Ashland
Join us in Ashland for our final Ballpark Mass of the year. We will begin at 3 pm with the Young Adult Softball League All-Star Game. At 5 pm, Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Roger Gries, OSB, with Fr. Steve Moran as homilist. Food trucks will be available after the Mass or feel free to bring your own picnic meal. In the case of rain, we will gather at St. Edward’s Church in Ashland. Register for free here

Eucharistic Miracles Display | September 9-17, 2023 | St. Hilary Parish, Fairlawn
The exhibition highlights an extensive collection of photographs and records of Eucharistic miracles throughout the world and through history. Experience the exhibit in groups or self-guided tour. There will also be opportunities for confession and adoration. For more information, please visit the parish website.

Eucharistic Revival Art Contest
The Diocese of Cleveland invites our Catholic Schools, Parish Catechetical Programs, Youth Ministry, and Homeschool Communities to participate in an art contest during the Parish Year of the Eucharistic Revival. The contest will be open for submissions October 1, 2023-January 12, 2024 and is directed for students in grades 2-12. The theme of the contest is "Eucharist: Bread of Life." Select students will be invited to attend a special Mass and award ceremony with Bishop Malesic on March 6, 2024. Click here for more information and submission guidelines

Black Catholic Ministries

“Marian Devotions at the Crossroads of Our Life” Webinar | Friday, September 15, 6-8 pm | Presenter: Dr. Valerie Lewis-Mosley
Dr. Lewis-Mosley will explores ways that we can deepen our incorporation of Marian devotions into our meditative and contemplative prayer life. Her presentation will engage Lectio Divina, Music, Meditation, Art, the Mystery of the Rosary, and the Memorare Prayer to journey through the healing guided by Mary, Mother of All Sorrows. It will be a journey of how we lay our burdens down- the burden of losing a child, the burden of feeling like a motherless child in our church, and our society.

Dr. Lewis-Mosley, a pastoral theologian and social justice advocate, resides in the Archdiocese of Newark. Her presentation promises to be both enriching and inspiring to all who seek to journey more closely with Our Blessed Mother Mary. Registration is now open at

Hispanic Ministry

Faith and Culture Celebration | Saturday, September 30, 8:30am-4:00pm | La Sagrada Familia Parish, Cleveland
To celebrate our beautiful identity, united as one people of God, our festivities will begin with a reflection on Faith and Culture from 8:30am-10:30am followed by Mass. We will continue with cultural activities and Latin American food in the Parish Hall.

A celebrar nuestra hermosa identidad unidos como un solo pueblo de Dios, nuestra festividad dará inicio con una reflexión sobre Fe y Cultura de 8:30am-10:30am. Al culminar la presentación, tendremos la Celebración Eucaristica. Luego continuaremos con nuestra fiesta, actos culturales, y comida latinoamericana en el salón parroquial.

Human Life Office

Respect Life Sunday | September 30/October 1
Every parish in our diocese is encouraged to participate in the Voter Assistance Drive for the Protect Them Both Campaign. The Office for Human Life is working in collaboration with the USCCB, Jack Boyle (District 3 VP for the Right to Life (RTL) Action Coalition of Ohio), the Knights of Columbus, and the Right to Life groups of Northeast Ohio to train over 600 representatives on the November amendment so they can be on hand at every parish to answer questions and help to inform parishioners on the issue. Parishioners will also be able to register to vote. Please complete this form by September 18 to sign up your parish for this very important and proactive event.

Respect Life Month Media Tool Kits will be available for each of the five weeks of October on our website. Please incorporate the images, prayers of the faithful, and even links to interviews for each of the weeks into your parish bulletins and homilies.

  • Sept 30/Oct 1 | Protect Them Both / The Right to Life
  • Oct 7/8 | Project Rachel
  • Oct 14/15 | Death Penalty / Abolition
  • Oct 21/22 | Human Trafficking
  • Oct 28/29 | Support for End of Life

Interfaith Office

Eastern Churches Seminar | “Praying the Jesus Prayer” | Saturday, October 28, 10:30am-12:30pm | St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Cleveland|
Frederica Matthewes-Green, a prominent author from the Orthodox tradition, reflects on “The Jesus Prayer,” a support for generations of believers' prayer life and action. Sponsored by Notre Dame College along with the Roman and Eastern Catholic Churches, Eastern Orthodox Churches, and the Armenian Apostolic Church. More details here.

Lay Ecclesial Ministry

Strength Finders Workshop | Saturday, September 23, 10:00am-12pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership, Wickliffe
Fr. Andy Turner will help us identify our unique personal strengths and show us how to maximize our gifts in ministry. If you have not completed the Clifton Strengths assessment and are not currently in the LEM certificate program, you will need to complete the assessment (cost is $20). Click here for more information and to register.

Bereavement Ministry Continuing Education | Thursday, September 28, 9:00am-1:00pm | Cornerstone of Hope, Independence
Those working in bereavement and grief counseling are invited to attend a half-day training. Seating is limited to 80 people. The day will include a presentation and small group discussions about current needs, best practices, and new resources. There will be time for Q&A with the licensed clinicians. Lunch is included. Click here for more information and to register.

The Parish Landscape in America: Realities and Opportunities for Lay Ecclesial Ministry | October 9, 2:00pm-5:00pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership, Wickliffe
Catholic Leadership Institute is conducting what might be the largest study on parish life in America. With over 600,000 responses from more than 3,000 parishes, 70+ dioceses and 22 languages, including parishioners from Cleveland, Dan Cellucci will share some of the good, bad, and the beautiful for what these insights might mean for lay ecclesial ministry and parish life in the decade ahead. More information coming soon at

Marriage & Family Ministry

Marriage Mentor Training | Sunday, October 1, 1:00pm-4:00pm | Our Lady Help of Christians, Litchfield
The Marriage Catechumenate is coming. With it comes the need for marriage mentors that have had experience working with various situations: young and engaged, cohabitating, civilly married, second marriages forming blended families or older adults getting married after the loss of a spouse. The Prepare-Enrich Marriage Mentor workshop will be offered in Medina County.

Clergy and pastoral leaders are asked to prayerfully consider encouraging couples practicing their faith, and who may have gifts that would enable them to walk with other couples as they prepare for marriage in the Catholic Church, to become Marriage Mentors. The training includes lunch and participants will receive the P-E mentoring guide and the Diocesan quick start guide. Registration is on the MFM events page. This is not the full Prepare-Enrich inventory for priests or deacons.

Marriage Enrichment—Embracing Holy Intimacy | Presented by Nellie and Neil Krawcznski | Saturday, October 14, following the 4:30pm Mass | St. Mel, Cleveland
Nellie Krawcznski, of Nellie K. Counseling, and her husband, Neil, will share insights about the relationship within your relationship. Tips for how to embrace holy intimacy and living marriage within the heart of the Trinity. Nellie and Neil also serve as Marriage Mentors for the Diocese. This marriage enrichment event will cost $40 per couple and includes dinner (chicken piccata & pasta, mixed green salad, focaccia bread and soft drinks). Click here to register.

If you are interested in hosting “Embracing Holy Intimacy” at your parish, please contact Terri.

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October
Catholics for Family Peace is a great resource with printable signs, as well as a library of awareness videos. Bulletin editors can insert links in the parish bulletin or the website. Priests are encouraged to address this issue with their flock and to have some of the printable resources on hand during reconciliation.

Adoption Awareness Month - November
Please help spread the word about this very important need in parish bulletins and social media and “Celebrate the Good Message of Adoption.

Missionary Discipleship

Paul Jarzembowski - Welcoming New Faces in Advent and Lent | Wednesday, October 4, 10:00am-2:30pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership, Wickliffe
The Office for Missionary Discipleship in collaboration with the Office for Young Adult Ministry are excited to host Paul Jarzembowski of the USCCB. Paul will present on his two books, Hope for the Holidays and Hope from the Ashes, that address the increased attendance at our seasonal liturgies and how we can prepare a welcoming and hospitable environment to encourage deeper connection to Christ and our communities. This is an excellent opportunity for pastoral staff to come together and discuss strategies. Registration is open now.

Youth Ministry

Pastor & Youth Minister Gathering | Tuesday, September 19, 10am-2pm | St. Basil the Great Parish, Brecksville
Clergy and youth ministers, principals and campus ministers are invited to this day to kick off the new youth ministry year. Katie Prejean McGrady and others will unpack how to foster a love for the Eucharist with teens and implement the Eucharistic Revival in youth ministry. Katie is a former youth minister, speaker, author, podcaster, and daily radio show host and will be joining us from Lake Charles, Louisiana. Register here by September 11.

New to Youth Ministry?
Please reach out to Francine Costantini, Director of Youth Ministry, to connect with youth ministry events, formation, and training opportunities. Subscribe to the Office of Youth Ministry eNewsletter for the latest information.

First Things in Youth Ministry Cohort
The First Things Cohort is for those who have been doing youth ministry for 3 years or less, or who want a refresher on the basics. It is to share practical and important information for starting youth ministry in the Diocese of Cleveland. Think of it as basic training in comprehensive youth ministry. This includes USCCB and Papal documents on youth ministry, diocesan standards, training on volunteers, safe environment, teen culture, programming, budgeting, fundraising, and more.

The program launches with a “Day at the Diocese” on September 27, from 10am-4pm at Cathedral Square. Sessions continue online or in-person every 2-3 weeks for 6 sessions. Cost is $50 and includes all cohort materials and 1-year membership to the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. Register here.

Ohio March for Life Trip | Friday, October 6, 7am-5pm | CLE - CBUS
Parishes and high schools can purchase tickets to bring a group of high school teens and chaperones on this diocesan pilgrimage to be a voice for the voiceless and participate in the Ohio March for Life. We will start with Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist and then board buses to Columbus. Places are limited. Register here.

Young Adult Ministry

Theology on Tap Returns: TOT WEST – Tuesday, September 19, 7pm | Forest City Brewery, Tremont
Join four members from the diocesan Young Adult Ministry advisory board as they talk about the longings of young adults, and their experiences of Identity, Community and Mission. What are the tools that these leaders have found most helpful? Personal anecdotes and a rapid-fire question session to get to know these people and their faith journey will be part of the discussion. Register here. Theology on Tap West is held on the third Tuesday of every month.

TOT EAST – Wednesday, September 27, 7pm | Abo’s Grill, Lyndhurst | “Blessed Beyond Measure: Embracing the Joy of Priesthood” with Fr. Josh Cochrac.
What does joy and humor have to do with our vocation? Register here. Theology on Tap East is held on the 4th Wednesday of every month.

Paul Jarzembowski - Welcoming New Faces in Advent and Lent | Tuesday, October 3, 7pm-9:30pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership, Wickliffe
Primarily geared for Young Adult Leaders. The Office for Missionary Discipleship in collaboration with the Office for Young Adult Ministry are excited to host Paul Jarzembowski of the USCCB. Paul will present on his two books, Hope for the Holidays and Hope from the Ashes, that address the increased attendance at our seasonal liturgies and how we can prepare a welcoming and hospitable environment to encourage deeper connection to Christ and our communities. Free for Young Adult Leaders. Dinner included. To register, click here.

Lay Organizations

Cleveland Cursillo Movement Men’s Retreat | October 19-22, 2023 | St. Paul Parish, Akron
Fr. John McNulty will lead a men’s retreat for the Cursillo Movement. More information can be found here or by contacting John Ricchiuto at 330-636-0461.

Life in the Spirit Seminar – Bukas Loob sa Dios (BLD) Covenant Community Cleveland | September 16-17, 2023 | St. Wendelin Parish Hall, Cleveland
The presiding priest is Fr. Dominick Mbah the parish priest of St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. For more information, please contact Rudy and Fe Fontilla.


[Please visit our website for the most updated schedule of events.]

National Day of Remembrance | Saturday, September 9, 2023
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children - Solemn prayer service, hymns, scripture readings, and reflections by local leaders to honor the memory of the more than 50 million unborn victims of abortion. Simultaneous prayer services will be held at gravesites around the country where abortion victims have been buried, as well as at many other memorial sites dedicated in their honor.

Right to Life of Northeast Ohio: 1:00pm – 2:00pm | ON-SITE memorial service at Holy Cross Cemetery, Akron OH | Address: 100 E. Waterloo Road, Akron, OH 44319 | Visit (under Events/2023 NDOR) or call Sarah McGervey 330-762-2785 for details.

Medina County Right to Life: 11:00am – 12:00pm | ON SITE memorial service at Resurrection Cemetery, 6303 Center Road, Valley City, OH 44280 | Contact or call Trish Shaw 330-667-0750 for details.

Click here for more event information.

Annual Walk to Remember | October 1, 2023, 1-2PM
During October, the month of the Most Holy Rosary, Catholic Cemeteries Association invites families to participate in a half-mile walking Rosary in honor of departed loved ones. We walk, we pray, we sing, and we remember. For those who cannot walk, or in case of rain, the Rosary will be prayed in the mausoleum or in the cemetery office. At the end of the Rosary, there is a brief candle lighting ceremony in remembrance of our dearly departed. This is a great communal prayer opportunity for families and for Rosary Prayer organizations in your parish. Whether walking or not, you can also honor your departed loved ones on our “In Remembrance” Wall. Submit names by September 30th to be included for the month of October. Pre-Register and/or submit Remembrance Names TODAY by phone, 216-930-4866, email, US mail (return form at bottom of flyer), or online. Onsite registration is available the morning of the Walk.

Walk to Remember locations:

  • All Saints Cemetery | 480 W. Highland Rd., Northfield OH | Starts at Nativity Mausoleum
  • All Souls Cemetery | 10366 Chardon Rd., Chardon | Starts at Mary Queen of Peace Mausoleum
  • Calvary Cemetery | 10000 Miles Ave., Cleveland | Starts at Main Office
  • Holy Cross Cemetery | 100 E Waterloo Rd., Akron | Starts at Sacred Heart Mausoleum
  • Holy Cross Cemetery | 14609 Brookpark Rd., Brook Park | Starts at St. Jude Mausoleum
  • Resurrection Cemetery | 6303 Center Road (Rt. 303) Valley City | Starts at Main Office
  • St. Joseph Cemetery | 32789 Detroit Road, Avon | Starts at St. Joseph Mausoleum

A Rosary podcast is available on our website for those who cannot attend but wish to participate.


Attention Homeschoolers:
Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Home Educators (CDTCHE) is an eastside community of Catholic homeschooling families that provides support through learning and recreational opportunities, field trips, social events, and Catholic feast day celebrations. CDTCHE's members are obedient to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Through our Catholic faith, we are committed to supporting, educating, and serving homeschooling students and their parents in Northeast Ohio. For more information, please contact our New Member Coordinator

Celebration in honor of Mary, the Mother of God | September 13th, 7 PM | St. Clement Church, 505 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio|
All are cordially invited to attend our 28th annual birthday celebration in honor of Mary, Mother of God. The evening will begin with the Rosary prayed in the cause of life, followed by a talk on the Rosary as a prayer for our times given by Father Sean Donnelly, pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, Madison.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Blanket Sunday | October 14-15, 2023
The 37th Annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 14-15, 2023. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase 5,400+ new winter blankets that were provided to the homeless and 138 beds/mattresses for low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio. The need is great and donations can be made securely online:

Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9thStreet-3rdFloor, Cleveland, OH 44114. Thank you for helping us “blanket” neighbors in warmth and compassion.

First Friday Club of Greater Akron|
Maureen O'Connor, former Chief Justice Ohio Supreme Court | Friday, September 1, 2023 | Our Lady of Cedars, 507 South Cleveland Massillon Road, Fairlawn, OH 44333 | Registration and more information here.

* * *

Submissions for the next Memorandum should be made to Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the preceding month. Guidelines for submissions are available here.

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