Please see below for resources for the Jubilee Year of Hope
Official Website for Jubilee Year of Hope
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Jubilee Website
Jubilee Logo (information and downloads)
Jubilee Prayer (available in multiple languages)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (online)
U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults (online)
The Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz (YouTube Video Series)
Watch the official hymn for the Jubilee of Hope.
Click here for additional information about the hymn.
Mass for Jubilee of Hope - Approved by the Holy See on May 13, 2024 in eight languages, the Mass for the Holy Year may be used in the liturgy for the duration of the Jubilee, celebrated in the dioceses of the United States from December 29, 2024 to December 28, 2025. It contains three formularies, a set of Lectionary readings, five sets of tropes for the Penitential Act, and four sets of introductions, responses, and conclusions for the Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful).
Resource List - A resource list has been created by the Parish Life Office to assist parishes in providing spiritual exercises or formation activities during the Jubilee Year of Hope. The list will be updated as more resources are available.
In addition to these resources, parishes can contact the Office for Worship and Parish Life Office regarding speakers and other assistance for the Jubilee Year of Hope.
Diocesan Jubilee Prayer Cards
(3 per page PDF)
Diocesan Jubilee Prayer Cards
(single png-format image)
Diocesan Jubilee Passport
The passports can be used to track your travels to our Sacred Sites if you choose to visit multiple places during the Jubilee Year of Hope.
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