Is your parish looking to hire a youth minister, someone to coordinate ministry to middle school and/or high school teens? THANK YOU! We hope this page will serve as a helpful resource for you!
Having dedicated ministry to the young people at your parish can help in these ways:
Youth Ministry positions are hard to fill. Be patient and search for the best fit for your parish. What sets your parish apart as a place someone would want to work? Make sure you sell your parish in the job description and you take the time to post it on a variety of job boards.
Please note that this document was created in 2021 for Lay Ecclesial Ministers. As of February 2024, inflation has increased by 19%, according to this government inflation webpage. The vast majority of youth ministers in our diocese would be best described by Level 3 or 4 in this pay scale in terms of responsibilities. Youth ministers generally leave their job (or do not accept a job for which they applied) due to low salary. Please offer a living wage with regular raises to increase the likelihood of retention.
The average youth minister lasts 9-18 months at a church.
How can you make sure your youth minister receives the support they need?
Check out this document for detailed onboarding suggestions. It is important to have a plan for onboarding so your new employee isn't left to flounder and figure it out on their own.
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